Sunday, 8 December 2013


तुम कौन हो !

You are not a cage of bone and flesh
You are not abstract like mind
You are not what you do
You are not what others see you
You are not soul
You are not intelligence
You are not emotion
You are not brain.

You exist under coma with
No physical or mental function
Emotion and intelligence is acquired
Everyone sees you differently.

So who are you?
May be aggregate of all
A Form-factor unique and transient!

-Aham Bramhosmi- says ancient Hindu Saints
-'Tattwamasi Swetaketu' says Uddalak Muni!

-but who are you! when we are being asked,
we don't have a ready made answer!
these scriptural knowledge does not help!
so we say-'i am nobody!'
may be that is true!
in nothingness lies everything...
so may be i am everything!

Badla re tu jal bhar lao…
Badla re tu jal bhar lao…
Chhoti cjhhoti bundan
Barasan lago…
Koyal sabar sunayo…
Baje pavan madhuria
Kamr badra chhao…

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